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News and Tribune

Destiny Wells deserves your vote

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

July 20

We have a great chance to elect a Democrat to statewide office. We have nominated a mother, an attorney, a colonel, and a combat veteran who is a defender of voter rights. Destiny Wells is the most qualified candidate for Secretary of State. In this race, the difference between Democrats and Republicans is quite clear.

The Secretary of State oversees state wide elections. Destiny Wells supports expanding voter rights. Voting should be easier for those who are legally registered to vote, not harder. Destiny Wells supports no fault absentee ballots. Her opponent wants to limit voters’ access to the polls by cutting the state’s early voting period in half. He believes in requiring all voters to prove their citizenship before being eligible to cast their vote. He plans to severely restrict absentee ballots. Who does he want to prevent from voting?

In 2018, according to the Associated Press report, her opponent was fired by then Secretary of State Todd Rokita’s office for “incomplete work”, “inefficient execution” and “lack of focus”. He called the 2020 election a scam. He is endorsed by the twice impeached ex-president and is supported by the most Right-Wing of the Republican Party. In 2011, under Secretary of State Charlie White, he again was told he demonstrated “poor execution of required tasks” and “incomplete event planning and management”. He resigned one day later before being fired. Currently, Morales is facing possible campaign finance questions. He spent $43,845.57 from his campaign “War Chest” for a new car. Although his record speaks volumes about his qualifications and work ethic, he was nominated on the second ballot defeating the existing moderate Republican Secretary of State who was booed at the Republican State Convention.

The people of Indiana deserve the BEST. Destiny Wells will restore ethics, confidence and trust to the office of Secretary of State.

John Perkins, Jeffersonville


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